21 Day Sugar Detox: week 3

21 Day Sugar Detox: week 3

I successfully finished the detox. My scale says I didn’t loose weight, but DH noticed I got a little firmer in the midsection and I feel my clothes are a bit looser again. I’ll take that as a win for now 🙂 . I’m starting to realize that my weight not going down hasn’t got much to do with my food intake right now and that I need to make other lifestyle changes in order to get my weight down – and continue healing my body. First 2 to tackle: more sleep and less stress. This is easier said than done but it’s time to take some decisions. One of those being: cut the time spent online. If it makes me nervous when I haven’t blogged for a few days and haven’t read my whole twitter, facebook and rss-feed, then it’s about time for a big change. So the first steps I’ve taken is to clean up my twitter- and facebook friend-list and remove some blogs from my rss-feed. I (temporarily) said goodbye on a forum where I was following several people on their paleo/primal journey; I’ll miss reading their stories but again, if it makes me feel anxious it’s not a good thing. And finally I’m going to reduce the blogging. I’m not stopping, but will limit myself to posting recipes now and then.

I’m planning on doing a new 21 day sugar detox in a month. But for now I’m first going to enjoy a 2 week Easter holiday with my family. I’ll see you when I get back.

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