42DHC: Day 25 through 29

42DHC: Day 25 through 29

Sooooooo, life got a bit in the way of blogging the last days 🙂 . My excuses. So, in short this is what happened since last Thursday:

On Thursday I went to the hairdresser 🙂 . I’ve eaten: chocobanana pudding for breakfast, an omelette (made with 1 goose egg) with bacon and some leftover bolognese-sauce for lunch. Dinner was whiting with oven roasted parsnips and red beets, clementine for dessert. Movement/play: hairdresser 🙂

Friday: starting with movement/play: I left really early and drove all the way to Tongeren. I didn’t go there to visit this beautiful town or the Gallo-Roman museum (luckily I already did, it’s really worth it!), instead I went for a sexy lingerie-photo shoot. First a professional beautician did my make-up. After that I had an appointment with the photographer (a really nice lady) in a nice hotel room. I was so nervous, but the photographer really reassured me. So I put on my most sexy lingerie and killer heels and followed all the directions the photographer gave me. I got to change twice and lots of pictures were made, but I didn’t see any of them yet! The pictures will be ready in 10 days, just in time for a Valentines Day gift to my DH 🙂 . No, don’t even ask, they will NOT be shared on my blog :p . Eats: blueberry-coconut-muffins (no added sugar, sweetened with apple sauce only) with butter for breakfast. I had lunch with an ‘online-friend’ (we’ve know each other for several years but never met IRL!), we both had a warm salad with bacon and apple. Diner was Mark’s Daily Apple Crispy Carnitas (soooo good!!!) with raw vegetables, guacamole and sour cream.

Saturday: Movement/play: grocery shopping early in the morning; CrossFit with the whole family; little niece’s birthday party in the afternoon; preparation for Diddy’s birthday party in the evening. Breakfast: greek yogurt with a banana and clementine. Lunch was leftover carnitas with romaine salad. There was cake at the birthday party, but I didn’t eat any (just had some coffee). Steak, homemade french fries and a salad for diner.

Sunday: Movement/play: cleaning the house and preparing for Diddy’s birthday party in the morning. Good time with the family afternoon/evening. Breakfast: I honestly don’t remember. Lunch: smoked fish with a salad. Diner with the whole family: antipasti (dates filled with camembert and smoked almonds, olives, chorizo, raw ham); tomato soup with little meatballs; oven-roasted chicken thighs, for the family with parboiled rice and homemade pineapple-curry-sauce. Diddy asked Nutella cake for his birthday party, so I made it (with real Nutella, instead of my own version; because I know it made him happy. Just for this once 😉 – but it’s grainfree at least). I also made a grainfree applecake. I had a small piece of both cakes. I used to absolutely love the Nutella-cake before going paleo! Well, I didn’t even want to finish the little piece I had this time, it just doesn’t taste as good as I remembered. The apple cake is delicious though (no refined sugar, less sweet).

Monday: Movement/play: not much, back at the office. Breakfast: greek yogurt with banana and blood orange; lunch: a crustless quiche with zucchini, raw ham and freshly grated parmesan; diner: leftover chicken thighs with oven-roasted parsnip, sweet potato and fennel.

I’ll try to get back to more regular blogging as of tomorrow!

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