21 Day Sugar Detox: week 2

21 Day Sugar Detox: week 2

Week 2 went by and finished with a challenge: a weekend away from home with a large group of people where someone else was in charge of the food supply. I went prepared and it was a walk in the park! Well, several walks at the beach, really, with some strong wind too 😉 . I did occasionally add some good quality dairy.

Tracking my macro’s made me realize I was eating a little too much protein. As my weight wasn’t coming down last week I decided to try the High Fat Low Carb Moderate Protein approach again.  This time around it is not messing with my mind (and hormones) like it did during my Whole30 in January, maybe because I’m taking a daily kelp supplement to make sure my thyroid keeps going. I take my supplements in the morning and evening with a glass of (homemade) water kefir. This is what I ate this week:

Monday: Leftover pancakes with butter for breakfast. For lunch leftover chicken, parsnips and asparagus. Dinner was slowcooked pork cheecks with oven-roasted broccoli.

Tuesday: Last pancakes with butter. Bacon, eggs and avocado for lunch. Turkey roast with stewed celery and tomatoes for dinner. A tablespoon of almond butter and some smoked lox as a snack.

Wednesday: I decided to start the day with a “fat fast”: homemade bone broth and a cup of coffee with coconut cream for breakfast. A few pieces of fresh coconut as mid-morning snack. Lunch was leftover celery and turkey with an avocado. I made ‘zucchetti’ with shrimp in tomatosauce for dinner. I ate a piece of chorizo and a tablespoon of almond butter as a post-WOD snack.

Thursday: I noticed yesterday that I feel better in the morning if I only eat fat and no carbs/little protein. So I started the day again with homemade bone broth and a few tablespoons of homemade cream cheese. I had a handful of nuts as mid-morning snack. A few leftover shrimps, some meatmuffins and raw fennel for lunch. For dinner we had Crispy duck legs with oven-roasted parsnips. Although I had been baking dessert (brownies, poppy-seed muffins, espresso muffins, blueberry cake – all grainfree) for 60 people for friday evening I didn’t even lick my spoon!

Friday: I prepared for the weekend all day. Breakfast was a cup of bonebroth and my easy version of bulletproof coffee (google if you don’t know what that is): a cup of good quality espresso with a tablespoon of butter stirred in. Yeah, I see you raising your eyebrow, I did too when I first read about it: put butter in your coffee, are you crazy? But it actually tastes good, it gives an even thicker layer of ‘foam’ on top of my coffee (I make coffee with a Delonghi ECAM 23.210 and buy organic, 100% arabica coffee beans); I had another bulletproof coffee mid-morning. I notice doing this in the morning makes me want to ‘snack’ less, it actually keeps me full until lunchtime. For lunch I baked some chicory (witloof) in butter and ate it with a meatmuffin and some lox. As we were travelling around dinner-time and I didn’t know what dinner would bring on friday evening (often it’s store-bought lasagne or pasta) I decided to make grainfree, 21DSD compliant waffles for the kids and myself as a late-afternoon snack. I ate 2 of them with some butter. I brought a green apple and some hard-boiled eggs with me as a back up-plan for dinner, but by the time we got there I wasn’t hungry at all and I only ate my apple. I put all the goodies I baked out for dessert, but wasn’t even tempted to try anything!

Saturday: good thing I came prepared to our weekend away, because breakfast and lunch was all bread-based. I ate 2 slices of Civilized Caveman’s Banana Bread with butter for breakfast and shared a crust-less quiche with lox and chicory with DH for lunch. We had a few nuts and a hard-boiled egg as a snack during our walks on the beach – I did have a cup of tea with a teaspoon of honey: my throat had been hurting since Thursday and I didn’t have anything to soothe it with me. I wasn’t really hungry by dinner time, I had a small piece of poached chicken and some raw vegetables (cucumber, lettuce, shredded carrots). There was cake for dessert, but also a big tray of cheese. I wasn’t tempted by the cake, but I did eat some (very good quality) cheeses.

Sunday: 2 slices of banana bread with butter and a few mini-meatmuffins before going on another walk in the dunes. I had a slice of roast beef and raw vegetables for lunch. After lunch everyone returned home. I roasted 2 (organic) chickens in the oven for dinner, with parsnips and a few red beets.

Average numbers for week 2:

  • Calories: 1445/day
  • Protein: 22,5% of calories (81 grams)
  • Fat: 66% of calories (108 grams)
  • Carbs: 11,5% of calories (41 grams)



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